gurobipy-pandas documentation#

gurobipy-pandas is a convenient (optional) wrapper to connect pandas with gurobipy. It enables users to more easily and efficiently build mathematical optimization models from data stored in DataFrames and Series, and to read solutions back directly as pandas objects. The package provides simple to use functions and pandas accessors to help build optimization models efficiently from data and query solutions as pandas structures.

gurobipy-pandas is aimed at experienced pandas users who are familiar with methods to transform, group, and aggregate data stored in dataframes. It expects some familiarity with optimization modelling, but does not require deep experience with gurobipy.


gurobipy-pandas can be installed directly from PyPI:

python -m pip install gurobipy-pandas

This will also install pandas and gurobipy as dependencies.

Please note that gurobipy is commercial software and requires a license. The package ships with an evaluation license which is only for testing and can only solve models of limited size. You will be able to run all the examples given in this documentation using this evaluation license.

How to use this documentation#

  • The Basic Usage page provides an overview of the key methods available for creating variables and constraints in an optimization model using pandas data as input.

  • The Examples provide complete model implementations as Jupyter notebooks.

  • The API Reference provides complete reference documentation for the library.

  • The remaining sections (see the contents sidebar for a full listing) cover further details and techniques, and provide advice on writing clean and performant model building code using this library.

Contact us#

For questions related to using gurobipy-pandas please use the Gurobi Community Forum.

For reporting bugs, issues and feature requests, specific to gurobipy-pandas, please open an issue.

If you encounter issues with Gurobi or gurobipy please contact Gurobi Support.